“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found, and hid. In his joy, he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field.” – Matthew 13:44
It’s so exciting to know the mysteries of God’s Kingdom. That Jesus came to give us a citizenship that allows us to have everything else. Eternal life plus.
Jesus said, He came that we may have life and have it in abundance. I believe He meant that literally and more.
The very thing we run away from – a life with Christ – is the very secret to a life of victory. You want to live a successful life here on earth and still inherit eternal life? Then accept Jesus into your life.
Most Christian go around preaching the message of “born again,” while it is a good thing, I must say here that the message of being “born again” is like trying to grow a tree from the branch.
Repentance and acceptance into the Kingdom of God should be the whole message focus.
Let me make it a little clearer, John the baptist, was always in the wilderness preaching repent for the KINGDOM of God is at hand. Jesus came also preaching that except a man is born again, he cannot see the KINGDOM of God.
Now the adoption method of becoming a citizen of any country is by birth. So also, entry into the Kingdom of God means you have to get it also by birthright, in this case, the second birth.
Jesus further emphasized this when He said until one become like a little child, you cannot enter into God’s KINGDOM.
Therefore, one has to forsake the old ways and be born of the spirit. This is when the “born again” process takes place. The major thing is to repent, accept Jesus by confessing with your mouth and believing with your heart. The born again process which can only happen after the major thing – repentance – has been set in motion.
Now the message of the Kingdom is all Jesus preached. Once you have been adopted into the common wealth, it is paramount that one understands who he is. You are a citizen of God’s Kingdom. That means the common wealth of heaven belongs to you as well.
Therefore you cannot just live a defeated life any longer, all power has been given to Jesus, therefore all power has been given to you.
The kingdom of God which you have genuinely sought after will supernaturally provide its dividends for you. No kingdom leaves its citizen in peril.
One interesting thing about Kingdom is that the King is the one who takes care of the citizens’ welfare, in the same way, as a citizen of God’s Kingdom, God takes care of everything for you because unlike democracy, the king chooses his citizen and is responsible for them in a kingdom.
Wow! Isn’t that just amazing? To know that God who rules the heavens has given you a planet of your own, for you to rule as well! And at the end he will make it all new for you to rule as you ought to.