Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee” – 1 Timothy 4:16
I know a man that is so obsessed about watching over his children so much that when he went on a trip for some days, he secretly told each one of them to watch over the other.
On different occasions, each child will report the activities of the other and also of himself to the father. The accounts of each child became of different versions in the father’s head and the children kept feeding him more, so much that the father couldn’t keep up any longer, anxiety, uncertainty, distrust and more set in and he became confused of the whole essence of watching over the children.
Paul admonished Timothy, take heed to yourself and then to the doctrine. Paul said in another part I discipline myself so that haven taught others, I myself will not be a cast away.
It’s a thin line beloved, between irrational obsession and watching over the other Christian brother or sister with love. It is love that will help you know when to stop and when to press hard. When to pray about it and when to render rebuke or advice so that you don’t pull your brother down or yourself for that matter.
Love is fearless – the bible says – It’s your faith and love for God that helps you know that God loves the other person as He loves you. Be careful!