…Severally I’ve wished that I didn’t have to leave infinity to find expression in the ways GOD has been using me lately – Kenny K’ore


KENNYOne can only attempt a definition of the kind of man Kenny K’ore is, the truth is you will have more questions than answers which is not surprising because he reflects the God he serves in his lifestyle and there are many phases/faces to God which can only be unraveled with ever increasing length of  devoted walk with Him.

An exceptional Gospel minister, he came into the limelight with the multiple award winning gospel group Infinity who gave us hit songs such as “Olorioko,” “Aye Ole” and more. Kenny believes in bridging the extremities between art and spirit lacing his sounds with Afrocentric features noticeable in his strong vocals, instrumentation and dramatization. He believes that gospel artistes are strong tools of evangelism and that gospel music should remain at the forefront of kingdom expansion.

“Eledumare” was repackaged atleast 2 times before Kenny went ahead to release “Noah” earlier this year. With the release of the highly spiritual ballad, “Your Peace” and the video of “Halleluyah,” Kenny has revealed to SelahAfrik that in the coming weeks, “Noah” too, will be repackaged and released as “Noah. Relentless”

With so much going on around the gospel minister, Alex Amos of SelahAfrik caught up with him to quiz him. As earlier mentioned, the depth of Kenny Kore’s spirituality is undeniable and it reflects in  his ministry, his family, his life… name it all!

SelahAfrik: For anyone who have been following your music, life and career, the most striking attribute that one will notice is your healthy spiritual life, how do you manage to keep the spirit sober despite all the achievements?

Kenny: I owe it all to my christian training. Mind you, I am far from perfect in myself. All that I am and that I have is from GOD, through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

KENNY 4SelahAfrik: As a result of your spirituality, will you agree with my recent deduction that gospel music ministers defers in some ways from gospel artistes… So to say?

Kenny: Perhaps so. And if indeed such distinctions exist, it is pathetic. Gospel artistes should be ministers. If they aren’t ministring life and godliness of which Jesus is the core of, then they aren’t Gospel artistes, notwithstanding how talented or famous they may be.

SelahAfrik: Tell us about yourself, your background, childhood  etc.

Kenny: I am Kehinde Olumide Akinbode, popularly known as Kenny K’ore. K’ore is from the yoruba word “Kuorire,” which means “Congratulations.” I chose to call myself Congratulations because I believe what we answer to is what eventually shapes our destiny. I am from Abeokuta, Ogun state. I am a musician, Gospel Musician. I started out professional music while I was in secondary school, and the years have seen me done several shows and won many awards with the Infinity group of “Olorioko” fame. However, I’ve since over five years ago been exploring wider creative possibilities as the leader of the Kuorire band, with my debut album “Eledumare Classic” and sophormor album “Noah  Relentless” which is still making waves and touching people to worship.

SelahAfrik: Theatrical features are always eminent in your music, do you by any chance have theatre and arts background? Tell us about your education.

Kenny: I didn’t I have any formal training in the arts, but yes, I have been trained; by share observance, being a stoge to the best people in my field, and most of the time from a distant. I am moderately educated. I still hope to further my education because I believe the day we stop learning is the day we stop growing.

SelahAfrik: How did you meet the Infinity, was it during your school days?

Kenny: Yes, we met in secondary school, where we decided to form a band to encourage students to come to the school fellowship…and the rest is history.

SelahAfrik: What informed your exit from the group?

Kenny: I left INFINITY because I was convinced it was what I should do at the time. It’s been a long ride which didn’t make sense at all at the beginning, not to a lot of people, not to me. But I was convinced and I followed my gut feeling. We took time out to fast and pray with our then Pastor, Pastor Nuel Manufor and eventually decided to let Kenny go. It’s been over five years since leaving the group, and a lot of things are beginning to make sense. Bottom line; INFINITY is doing fine still churning out impactful gospel tunes and my music is maturing as well. Jesus won, devil lost.

SelahAfrik: Obviously, you have recorded huge success since going solo, do you sometimes wish you had taken a different decision?

Kenny: Yes, severally I’ve wished that I didn’t have to leave infinity to find expression in the ways GOD has been using me lately. However, life is what it is, I don’t dwell too much on what could have been, if… that’s the past. I’m like Paul, pressing on for the mark of the high call in Christ.

SelahAfrik: I love your new album “Noah,” Do you think we are going to have series of the album like you did with “Eledumare” which you gave us about 3 series for?

Kenny: In a matter of weeks from now “Noah” upgraded is coming out under the title “Noah. Relentless“. Watch out for it. I believe in value, and if I’ve recorded a song that can add value after I’ve released an album, i’m not going to hold it back. I’ll add it to the album and let people get blessed sooner than later.

(Wow! Really?)

…If you make your house a home, you wouldn’t need to seek fun outside it

SelahAfrik: I’m curious about the song “Your Peace” mainly because I can relate with the message of the song totally, what inspired such an indepth message?

Kenny: “Your peace” was the song playing in the background of a dream I had where the Lord led me to a fountain and I felt Jesus behind me amused as I play about under the spray of the fountain waterI found peace in that encounter. Woke up, went to the piano, and wrote as I’ve heard. Then I called my producer, went in for a studio session, and released the song for free download. Everything happening in one day.

SelahAfrik: With the new video for “Halleluyah” out, what else should we be expecting from Kenny?

Kenny: As GOD lives, if Jesus tarry, I plan to shoot more videos for songs in the “Eledumare Classic” album and in the “Noah. Relentless” album.

SelahAfrik: How do you joggle family and your music ministry?

Kenny: I try not to separate family from ministry. In fact, my first and paramount ministry is to my family, and everything else is an offshoot of that. It’s easy; once your home front is intact, almost every other thing is a peace of cake. I am not claiming to have it all together. However, my major focus is there, and have had it easier than most because GOD has favoured me so much.


SelahAfrik: What do you do for relaxation?

Kenny: I hang out with Nkem and our daughter, I play chess, I watch movies, read and lounge on our terrace or in the room reading a book.

SelahAfrik: Where would you say is your favourite vacation spot?

Kenny: Home is my favourite vacation spot of all. If you make your house a home, with GOD’s grace, you wouldn’t need to seek enjoyment, relaxation, or fun outside it.

SelahAfrik: Are you passionate about football like most Nigerian men? Which club do you support?

Kenny: I’m not half as passionate about soccer as most Nigerian men. I used to be, but at some point in my life I needed to re evaluate my priorities and soccer didn’t feature on top. So yes, I still enjoy watching the game with family and friends, but I can’t say I’m a passionate fan. I support Arsenal.

SelahAfrik: Between Suit, Jeans and Native, which are you most comfortable wearing? 

Kenny: I wear jeans more often than I’ll like to admit, me being so patriotic about Africa and African wears. Is it the most comfortable?, I guess I just don’t think about it. It is easy wear, easy maintenance, so I wear jeans a lot.

SelahAfrik: What’s a regular Sunday in your life like?

Kenny: A regular Sunday would be attending church service and spending the rest of the day with my family.

SelahAfrik: Tell us your conviction about Jesus Christ
Kenny:  Jesus said, if you are weary and heavily laden, if you’re tired of religion, come to Me. Jesus is not a religion, He is a way of life, a system of doing things. Unfortunately it is we who claim to follow Him that have built religion around His Name; with our institutions, denominations, doctrines and dogmas that are as conflicting as they are diverse.
 Jesus is the centre that holds everything together. Self help gospel isn’t the gospel of Jesus. Psychology isn’t the gospel of Jesus. Financial empowerment isn’t the gospel of Jesus Christ, they are the witty inventions of men which have distracted us away from Jesus.
Meanwhile everything we need for life and godliness is in the knowledge of this Jesus; the stone which the builders repeated keeps rejecting.
SelahAfrik: Any Last word?
Kenny: GOD is real, Jesus is real, the Holy Spirit is real, we believers should keep it real.

Watch Kenny Kore’s new video for the song “Halleluyah” here


All Rights Reserved, SelahAfrik 2013



  1. I’m not surprised the interviewer asked K’ore about “Your Peace”. That was the stand out track for me in the Noah Album. It had to be birthed from a personal encounter with Jesus. I love that song to pieces. #Relentless

  2. I’m not surprised the interviewer asked K’ore about “Your Peace”. That was the stand out track for me in the Noah Album. It had to be birthed from a personal encounter with Jesus. I love that song to pieces. #Relentless


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