It is foolishness to think a singer posing in front of a portrait of the last supper can in anyway deter the message of the kingdom. I’m not certain about the singer’s intention but I’d say, whatever the singer meant, whether intentional or an oversight, it has been a futile effort and the uproar and controversy it has caused is so unnecessary.

Beyoncé Knowles sparked a controversy when she  posted a picture on her Instagram account, where she can be seen posing in front of a painting that resembles Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” sitting in front of it and apparently trying to block.

Beyoncé drew criticism soon after she posted the picture on Monday. The singer sat centered in front of the painting of the”Last Supper,” which is based on the Gospel of John and depicts Jesus’ last meal with his disciples.

The Huffinton Post Later discovered that she was posing on a Miami-based juice bar featuring an Andy Warhol mural of “The Last Supper” with camouflage.

The bible says:

“For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” – 1 Corinthians 1:18

The effect of the power embedded in the word of God CANNOT be restricted by a suggestive pose by a so called ‘superstar.’ Let’s consider it, since the pose and the controversy, has the word of God been diluted? Has the power in it been made of no effect? Certainly not! Because the creation can never outwit the Creator and the move by the singer is foolish!

These so called stars become big in their own eyes and begin to speak blasphemously. One called him “yeezus,” another “jay-hova.” It was said that another had made reference to being popular than Christ (funny talk) but the weakest instruments God uses, are stronger in their effects, than the strongest men can use. Not that there is foolishness or weakness in God, but what men consider as such, overcomes all their admired wisdom and strength.

The message of the cross is real. What Jesus did on the cross, apart from having historical facts, is evident in every life of a believer. We carry the power inside of us and we are lighting up the world with this knowledge, an obstructed portrait in one corner of the world CANNOT overcome this power!

“The Message that points to Christ on the Cross seems like sheer silliness to those hellbent on destruction, but for those on the way of salvation it makes perfect sense. This is the way God works, and most powerfully as it turns out. It’s written,
I’ll turn conventional wisdom on its head, I’ll expose so-called experts as crackpots. So where can you find someone truly wise, truly educated, truly intelligent in this day and age? Hasn’t God exposed it all as pretentious nonsense? Since the world in all its fancy wisdom never had a clue when it came to knowing God, God in his wisdom took delight in using what the world considered dumb—preaching, of all things!—to bring those who trust him into the way of salvation. While Jews clamor for miraculous demonstrations and Greeks go in for philosophical wisdom, we go right on proclaiming Christ, the Crucified. Jews treat this like an anti-miracle—and Greeks pass it off as absurd. But to us who are personally called by God himself—both Jews and Greeks—Christ is God’s ultimate miracle and wisdom all wrapped up in one. Human wisdom is so tinny, so impotent, next to the seeming absurdity of God. Human strength can’t begin to compete with God’s “weakness.” – 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 [Msg Trans.]

– Written by Alex Amos

Follow @Alex_Amos on Twitter


  1. One question doe..when she was formed in her mum’s womb she knew abt it?.if she can answer..then..she is right wateva she did..

  2. One question doe..when she was formed in her mum’s womb she knew abt it?.if she can answer..then..she is right wateva she did..

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