Yesterday, as I stroll down a particular street, I saw a Christian gathering and they were singing:
You are my brother, you are my sister, so take me by the hand… Together we will stand.”
Right there as the keyboardist kept hitting the notes, the Holy Spirit began ministring to me and I saw people from different tribes and races, holding each other’s hands, filled with such joy and happiness and singing the song merrily with their heart opened to each other. No hidden motives, just pure undiluted love.
Haven seen the things Christians – in the name of the religion – are capable of, I wished silently for that glorious day when we can worship God in spirit, in truth and be just the way He is – when we can be love.
Let me give you a perspective to whatever your struggle is today. Do everything from the angle of love. People may disappoint you but pure love will always lead you to – and attract God because you are showing off His Character.
Are you struggling with sin, addiction, opposition, challenges of life? Apply love. The spirit may ask you to do something that does not follow normal logic but at the end you will find God.
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” – John 4:7
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