First of all, I want to wish you a very Happy Easter and really, how is the 2014 Good Friday going for you?

The sky has decided to let go off some vapour in this part of the world. From time immemorial, I have always observe that it rains on days when important people leave the world. Whether during their burial, remembrance or on the particular day they left. I’m not saying this is a belief, it’s just an observation, it doesn’t have to be regular… You know, just like when someone around you yawns and you find yourself yawning too. Have you observed that?

I’m digressing too much… Okay let’s get back. I’m glad to still be writing to you on this Good Friday via the SelahAfrik‘s platform. SelahAfrik has come a long way eversince but I’m happy we have not lost the essence. We started out as a blog that post one inspirational material daily and days such as today were very important that there should be a post, I’m glad that despite all the changes and growth overtime, I can still go back to the basics like this.

Feels like I’m still digressing… Oh yeah… Now the reason for writing today. I came across a Deitrick Haddon’s track some few days ago and I’ve not been able to get the thought of Heaven out of my mind. Not in a wanting to die kind of way but it made me focus on what is important. You know, I have been going about with this spirit of a go-getter for a while now. God has increased grace upon my life and I’ve seen a lot of wonderful experiences, not to say, there hasn’t been pain but I never magnify that. Deitrick Haddon’s “Well Done” helped me realize that while the spirit of an achiever is good, one should not forget to lay up treasure in heaven because at the end of the day, this is why Jesus died for you and I.

Deitrick Haddon from the movie “Blessed & Cursed”

Will His effort over our lives be in vain just because of ephemeral success? God forbid. No matter the level of success one achieve, one needs to realize as surely as the passing of the heaven and earth, it will all pass away but that treasure which we lay up in heaven will last eternally.

I want that more than I want success here on earth. The truth is the success I am chasing after is just an added advantage of wanting to succeed with God first (Matt 6:33). Moreover, I want to see God face to face, I want to behold His glory. I want to be at the big concert where different tribes and tongues will join the angels and the elders to sing “Holy Holy.” I want to sneak up to Him and see Him smile at me like “yeah that’s my son.” Gosh! I just want to make it to heaven!

I’m glad because Jesus through His pain which we remember today (Good Friday) has made that possible for us and we just have to hold out till He comes to take us home. There will be days we will struggle with our flesh, our faith. There will be days we will slip and fall but we have to keep getting back. God didn’t and will not give up on us, the race won’t be a jolly ride but we will make it if we do not faint.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” – Matthew 6:21

Listen to Deitrick Haddon’s “Well Done”

Wishing you a Good Friday 🙂

– Written by Alex Amos

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