Hey! It’s that time of the year again! Yes, it’s my birthday and I’m so grateful to God because it can only get better. This time last year, I went to work like any other privileged person working 9-5. My salary was delayed for a long time and that tried to mess with my happiness because I had thought nothing can come in the way of my happiness. I was going to go see a movie or seat at a fancy place and just take everything in after work but alas! I didn’t see the challenge that hit my finances coming.

It was important to me that I should make myself happy on my birthday ever since 2008 when I was drenched in rain with my shoes full of mud and standing at the bus-stop for hours waiting for bus without any luck. Add to the fact that I’d experienced a major set back and was still trying to deal with that. I promised myself never to have a birthday that sad anymore so years after years, I have always strive to be happy on my birthday.

It’s easier said than done however, 6 years after, I am still learning to master how to be truly happy on my birthday even if I don’t have everything I want but that’s the thing, I have everything. Right from my birth, God has given me all I need to be happy and fulfilled, I just have to live it. Last year, on this day, I shared the story of how I struggled to be happy and won. This year, I am determined to have a blast with ease!

While I was preparing myself to be happy, I realise that just like love, happiness is not innate like most people think it is. You can actually choose to be happy or not. This I know because, preparing myself to be happy means I have to expect happiness, I have to create room for it and have to block out anything that does not make me happy. That means, I have to only see myself has God sees me.

Fear looks around, they say, while faith looks up to God but the spirit man calls those things that are not as though they were and the expectation that these things; if it has been provided for in the spirit, it will manifest in the physical because the spirit controls the physical and our Hope (Jesus) does not disappoint.

I began to see those things I want as done already and therefore I didn’t lose my peace. Other than that, I was excited about them knowing fully well I have it.

The best part is that happiness is contagious, it is also magnetic. It can attract what you want to see into your life and also reflect on the next person.

It also makes you focus on the blessings than the challenges. I did a mental count of my blessings and I remember that this time last year, I didn’t have the slightest cluew that the blog which I had started for daily devotional was going to grow quickly to become one of the most widely read online Gospel magazines.

Last year, my boss asked me, how it felt to be celebrating my birthday, I told her I was grateful. She later offered to spice my birthday up for me to which I declined and if I have the chance to do it again, I woudn’t have declined because I realise I miss her and I’d let go of that moment that could have formed a brick on the wall of memory. That was last year, this year, I have realised that I need to live in order to be happy. Don’t just exist, don’t let time, events and memories just elude you without your notice. Your happiness depends on the beautiful stories you’ve created now. It is the window by which we view the future.

Finally, I know you are wondering why I chose to go with such a bold title that has little or nothing to do with all I have spoken about on this article, well, it’s part of the happiness process. When one starts seeing things like God sees it which makes Him declare the end from the beginning, it’s inevitable to spur some boldness in your attitude, mannerism and speech knowing fully well you are only playing out the role God has written for you.

“At the moment I have all I need–and more! I am generously supplied” – Phillipians 4:18

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