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Bible News: Spiritual Success, Good Success & The Parallel Line


This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” – Joshua 1:8

There is absolutely no difference in the rules that applies for spiritual success and success in the other aspects of life. God often use the period of waiting for a physical manifestation to build our spiritual success, therefore they go hand in hand.

The same rules that will cause a spiritual maturity will bring about good success in the other aspect of life. The key is to be able to abide by the rules.

After Moses died, God, when He was speaking to Joshua emphasised on the need to keep the book of the law on his MOUTH. The need to keep it in his HEART by meditating DAY and NIGHT, only then will he be able to make his way prosperous and only then will he have good success.

There may be no difference in the application of the rules that leads to good success and spiritual success but there is certainly a difference between the two concept.

It was obvious that God was emphasising that there are 2 result to be accomplished if you observe the “book of revelation” as the message translation puts it. One, you will be prosperous and two, you will be successful.

While prosperity is the means to the end, being successful is the end. God is interested in giving you what you desire but much more interested in the process that leads to the end.

You make look at your bible and exclaim; “how I’m I ever going to memorise everything in this book!” but God knows you are not a computer, therefore He gave you the Holy Spirit to remind you all things. This is because He knew exactly what He was saying when He told Joshua to observe “every bit of it.”

Having good success and spiritual success is very possible for you, it only requires obedience; obedience requires discipline, discipline can only be a quality of character, character determines who we are. So, are you a successful person?

– Written by Alex Amos

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