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Bible News: The Word Is Near You & In Your Mouth | Part 2


Holding A Consistent Confession

As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.” – Exodus 17:11

Yesterday, we spoke about how the word is what a Christian uses in conquering any battle he is faced with. A Christian cannot be too quiet that he cannot speak the word. What you leave unsaid in your life, you leave undone.

However, many people speak the word but they let go of it before they can see any sign. We trivialise the word and make it of no effect just because we have spoken a few times and do not see any changes.

Moses also made that kind of mistake some thousands of years ago when Israel faced Amalek at Rephidim. Moses stood on top of the hill and was holding his rod up for the children of Israel. I guess because he was on top of the hill, he couldn’t really tell the effect of holding up his rod.

Let’s assume that he let down his rod at 3:30pm and then someone from the battlefield walked up to him at the top of the hill and told him Israel are now losing in battle. Moses would have realised that it was the time when his hands were down that they started losing in battle so he quickly devised a means with Aaron and Hur in order to keep his hands steady, therefore Israel won the battle.

In the same way, the rod can be likened to the word. Speaking the word is not enough but holding a consistent word even when it seems nothing is happening is the key to victory. Many say the word a few times but because they cannot see any changes in the physical, they drop it.

The truth is, everytime the word comes out of your lips, it’s like a sledge against a rock. It might not be the blow that will break the rock but it will definitely weaken the rock a step further until the final blow comes.

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