Home #SelahMusic #SelahFresh: Daniel Blessing & The JLob Crew | Your Majesty

#SelahFresh: Daniel Blessing & The JLob Crew | Your Majesty


DanielNigeria gospel singer, life Coach, Daniel Blessing and his crew ‘Jlob’ release new single titled “Your Majesty”, the single is a song from there latest album which is also tilted “Your Majesty”.

“Your majesty is a track from my album “Your Majesty”. By Daniel Blessing and the JLob crew. It is an inspiration from God, which talks about the supremacy of God’s greatness. When people go to their hometown, they greet their king in their culture. We are just saying it’s only Him that deserves our worship and praises.” He enthused.

Daniel Blessing is a Public Speaker, Singer, Life Coach, Writer, a Multi -talented young man with a passion to see young people in Africa having fulfillment in their dreams. He is the Founder/ President of Dream Builders Africa, a non- profit organization with a mission to build the dreams of the young people and impact communities in Africa. He is also the MD/CEO of Dreams Touch Media, a multinational company that is dedicated to provide a world class quality services in media.

Download & Listen – Your Majesty



Twitter: @danielandjlob

Fcaebook: Daniel Blessing & Jlob Crew


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