Home Bible News Bible News: God's Glory Station | Pt. 2

Bible News: God's Glory Station | Pt. 2


Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.” – Psalm 24:3

stationWe talked about God’s glory station and how there will be certain individuals or places where God will channel His glory from the last time, we said only dead men can see God.Why is it important that one sees God to reflect His glory. You can only take the likeness of that which you behold. In the beginning God said let us make man in our image and after our likeness, this means that God already poured out a measure of His glory upon us but if God only sees us and we do not see Him, how do we know what we look like? It is therefore important for someone who will attain the eternal weight of Glory to see God.

God may not necessarily appear to everyone like He did to Moses or Paul, but we can come to see God by knowledge. The bible says as we behold the glory of the Lord, we are transformed into the same image. Now, if we are to behold the glory of God, what is this glory? the word of God makes us understand that the heaven needs no light for the glory of God – the Lamb – illuminates it (Rev. 31:23), therefore, the lamb, Jesus illuminates the heaven.

We have a channel to the glory here on earth because the Lamb which is the word, became flesh and dwell amongst us, so as we plug into the word, we receive a measure of the knowledge of God and that is like an illumination that unveils the glory unto us some more.

But note this, who is he that can come to His Holy presence, he who has a pure heart and a clean hand and have not lifted up his soul unto vanity or sworn deceitfully, this is the person who the king of glory can come in to. that is the criteria, the qualifications.

Yes, you can open the word and  read but if there will be transformation, you must first believe. Believe always cause obedience, therefore as you read and believe, the Word births obedience to God which propels the transformation necessary to see God. God never leaves a man the same way He met him, therefore as we yield our flesh as a living sacrifice to Him – as we lay it down, just like a burnt offering that is acceptable before Him, we bring Him closer to us and the glory is unveiled from one degree to another.

A dead man is a man that does not walk by the flesh, though he lives in the flesh, he is like a prisoner that’s been led to the executioner, only this time, he is dying so he can live a measure of the eternal life here on earth and ever after. This is the man that can see God, this is the man that can see His glory.

– By Alex Amos

For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos viaclairacuzzi@yahoo.com


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