Often times, the problem with us is that we don’t see too far enough to know that it’s in the midst of the challenges we face that the victory lies. There cannot be victory without trials as there cannot be a testimony without test.
A simple analogy of how a native survived the desert with the help of a monkey goes further to explain that no situation is hopeless. Also as dry as the desert may seem, there is always a hidden water reservoir somewhere and same goes for life.
Even the The bible confirms it;
And I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, which call you by your name, am the God.” – Isaiah 45:3
This shows that God has some treasures hidden away in secret places as the bible says it that it’s the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search it out (Proverbs 25:2), therefore, only those who search out the secret treasures of hidden places can rule over their matter. Become kings who search out the hidden matter of God. This ones no longer get tossed to and fro by the dictates of life but they dictate to life what their situation and circumstances are.
The native in the video below devised a scheme leveraging on the curiosity of the monkey to discover the hidden water reservoir in the desert using things within his rich. The capital you need for your business, schooling and the likes is not some unattainable funds, it’s in your head, it’s within your reach. It is that which is within your reach that will produce that which isn’t and not the other way round.
Some people say they will be happy when they get their heart desire but you have to be happy first to get your heart desire. You can never be bigger that the picture of you which is in your head. Therefore picture it, even in that impossible situation, take action with the word of God as your anchor, make sure you hear right and then achieve it!
Watch video below:
Video Credit: Youtube/stopchiyski
Written by Alex Amos