Home Selah Fashion Honeydew’s Glamshot: Joi Mor On Fleek!! Style’s Edgy & She Slaying It!!

Honeydew’s Glamshot: Joi Mor On Fleek!! Style’s Edgy & She Slaying It!!


joi mor 234Joi Mor‘s fashion edge – for the ‘Gospeldom’ – will be considered atypical by most and will definitely raise eyebrow but we love it!

joi mor 1She came back after a hiatus with the single “Chim’ Oma” which has a beautiful video to it, and there has been no stopping her ever since. She followed up with the spirit lifting “Yahweh” and sealed her return with the first edition of the Doxa Concert.

joi mor 3No doubt she got some lungs on her and her style stay slaying too!


Twitter: @JoiMor

-Written by @Honeydewamos




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