Home Bible News Bible News: Legion – For We Are Many

Bible News: Legion – For We Are Many [Breaking The Stronghold Of Addiction]

Photo/Relevant Magazine

And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.” – Mark 5:9

Photo/Relevant Magazine

Addiction can be mind controlling and take the power of your will from you… something even God won’t tamper with. Addiction can have you breaking your commitments and become unfaithful. It can make you less credible… it can ruin relationships, it can ruin a life.

It’s even worse when you finally get to break the addiction and then slip back into it by accident. Jesus talked about the way the demons work in Matthew 12:44-45:

“Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.”

A lot of struggling addicts suffer from this. They want to leave the addiction but they keep finding themselves back into it and the guilt, the worthlessness and unforgiveness that traumatize their minds can be overwhelming. Such a person will naturally become passive to life and can become a bitter person. It’s all the work of the enemy who have come to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus said I came that you may have life and have it abundantly.

So if you are struggling with an addiction today, whatever it may be, sexual, drugs and alcohol, insecurities and the likes, I have a good news for you today. I know that the pull of the addiction seems to be too strong for you to break and the truth is – it is, but I bring you the one who can break it – Jesus!

The bible says at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and Paul also talked about his own struggles in Romans chapter 7, how he keeps doing what he doesn’t want to do but concluded that it is Jesus that saved him from the body of flesh. The same grace is available for you today my friend.

The bible recorded that the demons that possessed a certain man, making him do things he wouldn’t have done and resisted all forms of restrictions including physical fetters and chains recognized and worshiped Jesus (Mark 5:6), They were many and too strong for the man but as many as they were (bible recorded about 2000), they all left him at Jesus’ command. So, you see, your addiction may be too powerful for man but the name of Jesus in your mouth is more powerful!

Apply the name to that addiction, believe it, and believe that he has forgiven you. Even if you slip, don’t stay down, get back up, get help, get a support group, get an accountability partner… use the name of Jesus. It may take a while but you will be up and standing on solid ground in no time. Hallelujah!

– By Alex Amos

For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos via clairacuzzi@yahoo.com




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