Home Interviews & Features Why We Love Gospel Rapper Bouqui & Her Recent Pictures

Why We Love Gospel Rapper Bouqui & Her Recent Pictures


bouqui 4We have followed Gospel rapper Bouqui for a while and one thing we can tell you is she is very trendy!

At first glance, it’s easy to conclude that her style is edgy… punk inspired and tomboyish but we have seen her tone it down and raised the bar. One thing we can always guarantee is that Bouqui always nail it no matter the style.


Since her extended USA tour in 2013, Bouqui has been resident in the states and as it appears, it’s more than a sojourning for now. She has begun shooting her reality TV series Bouqui’s Place as well, SelahAfrik first got the hint after the release of her recent single “Unstoppable”.

Bouqui‘s fashion style did not metamorphosed as she often opt for more subtle style every now and then, instead she broadened her scope as far as fashion is concerned and now she interchanges between the urban and the more subtle styles more frequently. Even her pixie haircut that reigned supreme and only gave room for either the low cut or long weave less than often has finally taken a bow. Bouqui can be seen with her curly low cut or long weave more often these days.

Checkout more of Bouqui‘s many faces…

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Twitter: @bouquiofficial



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