Home Selah's Journal Selah’s Journal: Happy New 365 Oppurtunities!!

Selah’s Journal: Happy New 365 Oppurtunities!!


happy-new-year-confettiI remember a certain year… few years ago now when I got my priorities misplaced at the beginning of a new year. I had started the first hours of the year with the wrong company and I had major challenges bresking away from the company that year.

I believe that the start is not as important as the end but be careful how you start because if in a race, you had the mishap of letting other athletes begin earlier than you, you will have to wortk extra hard to win such a race, so be careful how you start.

At the cross over service last night while everyone was prayerfully preparing to enter into the new year – I was prayerfully preparing too – an insight came to me in the middle of all the spiritual preparation and I will like to share with you.

You see I have set a goal that I wanted to see manifest at the end of 2015 and while the antagonising thoughts came to tell me it didn’t ‘whaalaa’, I quickly took an inventory and realise I had gotten more than halfway with the goal and even where I stand right now, 366 days ago, it was only a dream. That made me really happy but like Paul said ‘forgetting those things which are behind, I reach for the higher mark”, I had to remind myself that although where I am right now is good as far as the goal is concern, I have another 365 oppurtunities to do it better now and what’s even more is that, out of those 365 oppurtunities, I only need 1 to make a break. therefore I need to get to work right now!

There are 365 days in a year, and as we start another year, I realise that 365 days is abundant enough to bring about the manifestation of a goal but I need to take each day seriously enough to squeeze out every benefit in it.

Psalm 68:19 says the Lord daily loads us with benefits, that assures me that the accumulation of those benefits for a number of days will be sufficient enough to bring about the manifestation of even the most gigantic goal, nevertheless, are we diligent enough to obtain this benefits?

A lot of people like to make resolution at the beginning of the year, I like to set goals. This year, my goal is to bring about the manifestation of my goal in its full capacity. Seeing I have the oppurtunity everyday to bring that to past, I feel rich enough as we begin this new year that I have biggest resource which is time in high amount but if I don’t get to work right now, the time won’t be as abundant as it is right now in July nor in September… in December, it’s already running out so God forbid that we let this grace be in vain.

The word says ‘in an acceptable time, I have heard you, in the day of salvation have I helped you, behold now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation’. 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Some of the tools we will need is believe, focus, diligence soberness and obedience. Needless to say the place of application of these tools is the place of prayer because there is no work you can do on your own, without a huge spiritual deposit, one will be like a person building on the sand.

So whatever goals you have set this year, right now, you have 365 oppurtunities and all you need is one day of breakthrough, if you are like me, you will get to work now!!


— Written by Alex Amos



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