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Bible News: Whiter Than Snow


Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow” – Psalm 51:7


It’s been a very long while I wrote the Bible News but this morning,  I am inspired to write. I had stared at this pamphlet which had Psalm 51:7 written on it.

the phrase “whiter than snow” struck  me hard and I wondered about the word for a while.  What can be whiter than snow?  Truthfully,  the way Jesus took away our sins though,  it had to be.

When Jesus hung on that tree at Calvary,  God’s wrath was exhausted upon Him.  He took on the sin of the whole world and must have looked really terrible to God so much that Isaiah 52:14 recorded that His form was more marred than the form of a man.

Like a dirty child after a day’s play running back home into his father’s arms,  God couldn’t behold Him let alone let Him touch God. He turned away from Him and in that moment,  their father-son relationship was severed.  Jesus for the first time called the Father – God – when he cried out but He got no response till God’s wrath was exhausted, he was buried in that tomb with the sin of the whole world which He took into hades but when He arose,  He was gloriously righteous – All the sins buried.

So you see, all the sins we can  ever commit have been punished in full in Jesus Christ. God’s wrath was exhausted  upon Him and He will not punish the same since twice. All you are now is God’s  righteousness but you have to believe it because the Bible says as He is so are we in this world.  He is righteous and so are we!

I know you may find this hard to believe because some minutes ago,  you still fell into a sin and you are still conscious of it. God has forgiven you but you have to believe it and also forgive yourself. That’s why the Bible says “without faith it is impossible  to please God” – Hebrews 11:6. You have to take your forgiveness  by faith and believe you are forgiven.  You are righteous, Clean… Whiter than snow.

– Written by Alex Amos


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