Home News & Events Fantasia Seeks To Minister & Reach Broken Women With Her Story &...

Fantasia Seeks To Minister & Reach Broken Women With Her Story & Music


fantasia-pressR&B artiste Fantasia who has been very vocal of her faith more recently says she wants to bless lives with her new album, “Definition of”. She said she believes her purpose in life is to minister to broken women.

Fantasia debuted her new album, The Definition Of, last month which she believes is a reflection of her ministry.

The singer and mother of two said she managed to find love, meeting her husband after undergoing a unique fast where she refrained from drinking, partying and men.

“I am who I am today because God used my mistakes #TheDefinitionOf,” she wrote. “I just want to BLESS people through my story and my music.”

The new album by Fantasia also contains Gospel songs like “I Made It”, amongst others.



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