Home Bible News Bible News: Heaven Has A Bank With Your Account In It!!

Bible News: Heaven Has A Bank With Your Account In It!!


“What I desire is that more be credited to your account” – Philippians 4: 17B

vaultDid you know you have a heavenly account? Yes! Just like the one you have here on earth, there is another in heaven… you didn’t even know when you opened it right?

Yes you did. The day you gave your life to Christ, you gave him everything including your finances! Now here’s the tricky part. A lot of people give God everything but when it comes to their finances, they think what they owe God is their tithe and offering and a few good deeds. The danger in this is that if God does not take pre-eminence over your finances, it will be difficult in the long run to stay faithful and committed in tithes, offering and giving.

If you are not committed to the above, how then will you withdraw from your heavenly account when the need arises? The mistake people make is that we ask that God blesses us but everything that will grow require a seed to be sown. When you ask God to bless you, what have you sown for him to bless and increase? The same way, someone who is a child of God praying for financial multiplication will have to sow the seed for such increase, that is, make deposit into your heavenly account.

You may have heard the saying amongst financial advisers, ‘dont eat your seed’, the same way in being rich towards God, if you eat your seed (tithe, offering and other giving), what is it that will grow and be credited to your account? A farmer who harvested his field, will have to reserve some of the crops for the next planting season otherwise when the season comes, there will be nothing to plant anymore.

So then, how do we make deposit into our heavenly account? First thing to note is that the seed has to be sown, that is some of the money has to leave your hands and since you will not make physical deposit into the account in heaven, it is therefore as you pay your tithe, offering and obey God in the area of giving. What you are doing is putting the money into the hands of God who makes the deposit on your behalf. Hear what the Apostle Paul said would happen when you do this;

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” -Phil 4:19

So if you have been struggling with your finances, no matter the prayer you have been praying, pause and check your attitude in being rich towards God (Tithe, offering and other areas of giving), if you are faithful in this, it’s only a matter of time, the same mystery through which you make your deposit is the same that will make tangible, abundant withdrawal for you. You want to experience financial victory? Start operating your heavenly bank account!


About Alex Amos

Alex jpgAlex Amos is a Creative Writer and Team Head at Lexyville Entertainment, publishers of SelahAfrik. He is a publicist for Christian personalities including Wole Oni, Wilson Joel, Glowreeyah Braimah, Ada, Chris Shalom and more. Alex is an Assistant Pastor, serving in Heaven on Earth Ministries.


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