Home News & Events Weekend Outlook: AAWE Benin | Henrisoul At Liberty | Evening With Glowreeyah...

Weekend Outlook: AAWE Benin | Henrisoul At Liberty | Evening With Glowreeyah + More

spirit-life conference, nathaniel Bassey's album

Hello SelahAfrikans! So many great events coming up this weekend! It starting to feel like Glowreeyah is on UK tour and Sammie Okposo reaches the final leg of the AAWE today! Checkout details and much more on this week’s Weekend Outlook on your number pure entertainment source!


Power Praise Night 2016


Date: Sunday 28th August 2016

Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm

Venue: 7A, Scott Passage, Spray Street, Woolwich Arsenal, London

For more information: 020 8316 1222 | 020 8316 1234


An Evening with Glowreeyah Braimah


Date: Friday 26th August 2016

Time: 6:30pm

Venue: The Wesley, 81 – 103 Euaton Street, London

Entry by Registration

Worship with Glowreeyah Braimah

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Date: Sunday 28th August 2016

Time: 10am

Venue: The Rock Tower, 49 Tufnel Park Road, London


Singles Interactive Meeting


Date: Sunday 28th August 2016

Time: 4pm

Venue: Mama Cass Multipurpose Hall, Ibara, Abeokuta


Africa America Worship Experience with Sammie Okposo & Jonathan Nelson

Date: Friday 26th August 2016

Time: 8pm

Venue: Miracle Assembly, Benin City


Henrisoul at Liberty

Date: Friday 26th August 2016

Time: 7pm

Venue: 4th Floor, Ozone Cinema, Yaba


Comic Truth with MC Bluetooth

Date: Friday 26th August 2016

Time: 6pm

Venue: The Multipurpose Hall Area 3 Pro Cathedral Abuja

Ticket: 3,000 (Regular) | VIP – 10,000 | Gold  – 50,000 | Platinum – 100,000

Some of these events are free while others are either by registration or invitation. If you want your events to be featured in SelahAfrik’s Weekend Outlook, please send an email with details about your event (This include soft copy of your flyer or invite [jpg, png or gif]) to admin@selahafrik.com, selahng@gmail.com or mention the detailed soft copy of your flyer to @selahafrik on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. SelahAfrik is not responsible for these events or their further promotions. Featuring your event on SelahAfrik‘s Weekend Outlook is free!!!





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