Home Bible News Bible News: Prayer – Eternal Links 

Bible News: Prayer – Eternal Links 


tunnel-2I remember going to church every Friday with my mom as a kid to fast & pray till 12pm or sometimes,  3pm.

It was ‘boring’ and very tiring praying those lengthy prayers. She would tell us to read the psalms before praying to aid our prayers. Aside the longevity was the hunger that comes with it.

I remember failing my double promotion exam (it was only awarded to me out of the whole primary 4 students of the school) and praying to God for a miracle that will get me into primary 6. God did it so that the whole primary 4 classes ganged up against me, not to let me be part of their class,  their reason – I should let someone else take the 1st position after each term examination.  The school proprietress said I should be given the double promotion although I did not qualify.

I remember spending 10 minutes every morning to pray while writing my WAEC and NECO examination. I passed both examination flawlessly,  safe for my WAEC Mathematics score which was P7… Good enough for an Arts student.

I remember praying for my admission into the University. I remember stepping out in faith by purchasing new shoes for my school without admission. I remember getting the admission and going to class in the pair of shoes.

I can tell you about how I got a job, how I received the direction to start a blog. How I got the call to ministry. Many prayers I said years ago and how I see them manifest these days.

I realize that every milestone in my life, I did not qualify for but God qualified me, shaping my story and who I am through the challenges at every junction which I overcame through his help as I pray. Each story a link to the next and at each junction, prayer was linking them.

You can forget but God never forgets. Prayers are eternal links forming the passage through which one connects the routes in the journey of life.

If you will get to your next stop and get there safely, if you will fulfill purpose with grace, you would have done it with prayers. Prayer releases an anointing because it makes your affairs, God’s affairs and since we pray in the name of Jesus,  the anointed one, you will see the yoke taken off your neck if you believe.

Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer. See how He connected the linking routes until He connected it to His ascension. Now He is eternally glorified seated at the right hand side of God,  receiving your petition and making intercession for you before God.

Are you a follower of Jesus? I’ll ask you like He asked His followers – can’t you watch for 1 hour? Because there are somethings that will not go,  ‘except through prayer and fasting’.

Yours is to pray,  how you receive the answers is all up to God,  some will get the answer now,  some will receive it in the future. Some may get something else but know that as you pray,  you are linking up the routes that will eventually (like Jesus) get you before the ultimate goal! The heavenly goal! Start constructing your eternal links now!


About Alex Amos

Alex jpgAlex Amos is a Creative Writer and Team Head at Lexyville Entertainment, publishers of SelahAfrik. He is a publicist for Christian personalities. Alex is an Assistant Pastor, serving in Heaven on Earth Ministries.



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