Home News & Events COZA Abuja Hosts Cream Singles Network Tagged “Let It Flow” | Nov....

COZA Abuja Hosts Cream Singles Network Tagged “Let It Flow” | Nov.  18th


When singles gather to share thoughts, Ideas and to receive from the Lord, great things happen! This Friday, 18th November 2016, will be another phenomenal event as the Singles of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly, (COZA) come together for a time of refreshing and fun. 
It’s a blessing when God’s Spirit ministers to us and we also get time to hangout and have fun. 

The theme for this edition is “Let it Flow”. There will be a flow of the Spirit of God, a flow of wisdom and there will good, Godly fun and loads of games!

Date: Friday 18th November, 2016

Time: 5pm (Red Carpet) 

Venue: The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly, Guzape Hills, Asokoro Extension, Abuja
For more information:


Twitter: @cozanigeria  @BiodunFatoyinbo 



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