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Bible News: See, Believe & Speak!


– You are What You Say You Are 

Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God.  I assure you that whoever tells this hill to get up and throw itself in the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. – Mark 11:22‭-‬23 GNB

Peter saw a wonder and he was amazed. How did Jesus speak to a tree and the next day it withered? He impulsively called Jesus to see the tree He had cursed after beholding the wonder but the Master was not surprised.

Jesus said something crucial that we are going to consider today.

Observe carefully:

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

– Mark 11:22‭-‬23 KJV

The first step is to believe that what you anticipate is possible through God, hence Jesus said have faith in God.

The God kind of faith is not based on your determination of ability, nor is it based on willpower but on God’s faithfulness. It is the faith which was imputed to Abraham for righteousness though he had not involved himself in physical work but obedience in love, to God.

It is God that quickens the word according to His will. Haven received His will, the contention for that which God has given for your possession begins. But how does a closed mouth contend if the weapons of warfare are not carnal? Remember we do not engage with spears and sword but with the Living Word!

Jesus said whosoever shall SAY, having believed that what he had said will come to pass, will have what he SAYS. Yes!  It starts from faith in God but it is what you say that brings the manifestation!

How? Faith in God births the will of God. Now the will of God is not a thought. It is not abstract. The will of God is the word of God. This is why we should be careful of prophesy which does not have it’s root in the word of God. If it cannot be found in the word, it should not take root in your life!

When the will of God is birthed in the situation through the word and backed up by belief, and you put the confession on your mouth, you will have “whatsoever you say”. How you will have it is God’s job but to speak the word is yours!

Zechariah is a case study, he was told he would give birth at an old age but because of God’s desire to bring the promise to pass and seeing the priest’s unbelief, the angel of God said to him “don’t you know I am Gabriel who stand in the presence of God. How can you not believe what I am saying to you?” (Luke 1:19)

Now because Zechariah did not believe, the angel shut his mouth up for 9 months till the promise was delivered.

Today, the Spirit of the Lord is quickening God’s word in you. Take a cue from Zechariah and hold up the word. Your expectations will not be disappointed! Amen!

– Written by Alex Amos


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