Home Bible News Bible News: Season Of Harvest – The White Field

Bible News: Season Of Harvest – The White Field


It’s so amazing that the bigger the challenge, the more you need to rest.

And we are all guilty of this. We think if only we can pray harder, or longer, or even louder, then God will be impressed with our performance and then give answer to our petition.

Some of us even go with our feelings. If I feel the prayer in my “spirit” (spirit in quote because what we are actually referring to is our mind), then I will have a conviction that it has been answered.

But God is constant in and out of season. On the day you “feel” Him and on the day you “don’t”. Go with what He said and not how you feel, because feelings change and cannot be trusted. God remains the same!

On your worst days, He is God. On your best days, He remains God. That’s why Jesus – the Word of God – is referred to as the Solid Rock.

Where am I going with all these?

You need to REST.

I am not talking about the kind of rest that makes you passive. I am talking about a rest that keeps you in peace in the middle of the storm. Because today. Right now. Right where you are. It’s harvest time already!! And the only work needed right now is to work hard not to lose your peace.

People don’t realize that keeping your peace is the real battle. If you lose it. You get into a state of worry and panic. The enemy will have a filled day building trenches in your mind till you get into unbelief. God forbid one loses the work that has already been finished.

So Jesus said. Did you not say until 4 months then the harvest will come? Look! The fields are already white with harvest (John 4: 35).

What He was saying is that it is already time to work the field.

Your prayers have been answered, the only work left to do is to wait actively on the Lord. To labour to enter the rest (Hebrews 4). Harvest don’t mean that you have the promise in your hands. It means the time is right enough for the promise to be obtain. At this point you can use the right tool to acquire it or the wrong ones and let it go.

I am telling you right now that the tool needed is REST. Rest in the finished work by going with the word. Your daily fight is to keep your peace. Forget about how God will bring it to past. That’s God’s work not yours!


Still I know that God lives, the one who gives me back my life. And eventually, He will arise for me… And I will see Him! (Job 19:25)


– Written by Alex Amos


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