Home Selah's Journal Listen Up Ladies! Sola Adio’s 34 Reasons Why You Were Emotionally Scammed...

Listen Up Ladies! Sola Adio’s 34 Reasons Why You Were Emotionally Scammed By Church Boys!


I think I can explain the confusion behind a lady saying that she was scammed by church boys in a relationship.

1) You don’t operate in any discernment

2) You walked into a church full of both carnal and spiritual men

3) You used your carnal taste in men to pick a carnal member

4) You selected a man with church lingo that was actually a clone of your worldly boyfriends

5) You had no working knowledge of how Godly relationships work

6) You did exactly what you used to do in the world. Only difference was that your collaborator was also a church member

7) You netflix chilled with a church goer. Ie You blew him in his house aka fornication

8) Your Church boyfriend too has a finger on several other cookies in church just like he has a finger on yours

9) Your church boyfriend may not even be saved, his mama dragged him to church

10) Your church fornication partner has never brought his erection under the knife of God’s Word.

11) You both never opened the scriptures once in your lives to discuss this relationship. Why would you? Since Hollywood & Twitter icons were your role models in this relationship.

12) Even you yourself, you ain’t saved or spirit filled. You have never read 2 chapters of the bible.

13)You only resorted to church when you got burnt by Bozos on the streets not knowing the difference between a carnal Christian, an unsaved person and a spiritual Christian.

14) You got burnt in a fornication arrangement with an unsaved or carnal person in church and you draw a silly and sweeping conclusion that every man in church is also scum.

15) Next thing you become deluded and you say it doesn’t matter if you marry a sinner or saint.

16) Satan now has you where he wants you. He has discredited the Name of the Lord to you. He has deceived you that Godliness has no profit. He shows you your friends blowing people for cash and makes you wonder if there is any sense in fearing and serving God.

17) You write a tweet that there are no Godly men left in your generation and that they have all been taken. Sweetheart, you are wrong. There are many of them in Church but they don’t want to be with a woman like you. You are a drag to their spiritual progress.

18) A Godly man in Church who originally didn’t know what kind of person you were, tried to chat you up. Instead of taking your smartphonebible along, you took a ruler along so you can measure the length of his bazooka. You say 8in is your barest minimum because your ex was that.

19) You confuse bible abstaining from fornication with celibacy teachings taught by your favourite secular YouTubers who don’t glorify Christ.

20) You carefully selected the churches you attend to be the ones that don’t emphasise spiritual growth but the new age ones that emphasise motivational speeches and networking with no thoughts on moving from carnality to spirituality.

21) Your church has only ever preached 1 Thessalonians 4:3 once in 104 Sundays. Your youth meetings are only ever about networking but no teaching or counsel is ever offered on Godly relationships or Godly marriages. So you learnt nothing new about Godly relationships in 2 years.

22) Your inner circle is filled with ladies like you who attend church on Sundays but don’t believe what the bible says. You talk about God but you cannot stake your life like the 3 Hebrew children on what His Word says. You mix some zodiac signs and jazz and Hollywood wisdom in.

23) Going to church for a considerable length of time gives you a pseudo feeling of spirituality while you have never grown spiritually or gotten one prayer answered in 18 months.

24) You once had a meetup with a Godly man but you classified him as boring because he didn’t have a sexual discussion with you. On another occasion, you even tweeted that he was gay simply because he didn’t tear your paynt when you danced shaku shaku half naked in front of him.

25) While the only Godly man you met inquired about your position with God, you were only interested in his favourite position in bed. Hence, you found him extremely boring and you ghosted away like Pogba.

26) You have never prayed to God to ask for directions on each of the carnal men in church that approached you in turn. Instead, you assessed them ONLY by their salaries, their similarities to your worldly exes and their bazooka lengths. And you wondered why they were all scum.

27) Out of desperation, you took on a few broke church boys hoping that they will click. You didn’t pray. You didn’t ask God for His opinion. They still ‘beat you black and blue’ on two fronts, sexually and financially. They left with your cash.

28) You got more desperate. Thinking erroneously that spirituality was tied to serving tables in church, you even tried a member of the choir and a member of Pastor’s protocol team. Same story. They all smashed and ran leaving you short.

29) In over 2 years of attending this church, pastor has never categorically said that fornication is a sin. He has never invited people to get delivered from sexual addictions. No New Creation Realities. So you think it’s ok to sprinkle your Christianity with occasional blowing.

30) Another version of you is more spiritual than the typical woman of your age in church. However, you have not harnessed your emotions well. You prey on new male converts or unsaved men in church hoping to preach the Word of God to them in private and then ‘slide’ into their DM

31) These young men have never had the chance to bring their uncontrolled erections under the knife of the Word of God. Yet you are trying to bring the Word of God to them in their bedrooms with your boobs on full display. Oops, it happened and what can we say?

32) I forgot to mention that you have a stash of sex toys in your room for masturbation purposes. You go celibate for 6 months but within those 6 months, a plastic object is introduced. When the plastic object cannot deliver the goods, you trap your ex to come finish up the job.

33) This is not to judge. This is to confront your current reality with the timeless truth of God’s Word. We cannot use carnal tools to implement a half baked celibacy. We need to submit our flesh to the knife of God’s Word to break so we can come alive in the spirit.

34) The church is the rehabilitation centre that God has provided for us but you are far from being rehabilitated because many local churches invest very little in the youth. They invest more in enrichment programs and Less in Christ-like character building.

About Sola Adio

Olusola Adio is the author of “Breaking Soul-Ties”, an encapsulation of various teachings done about what Soul-Ties are and how to break them. He is also the convener of the gathering tagged “Breaking Soul-Ties” on social media. Get the book here


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