Home News & Events Bishop Oyedepo Says War Against COVID-19 Is Almost Over

Bishop Oyedepo Says War Against COVID-19 Is Almost Over


– Bishop Oyedepo Says War Against COVID-19 Is Almost Over Bishop Oyedepo Says War Against COVID-19 Is Almost Over

Founder and presiding bishop of the megachurch Faith Tabernacle, David Oyedepo has prophesied the end of COVID-19.

The man of God who recently called out the government on the need to reopen churches amid the relaxation of the lock-down that was put in place by President Buhari. The bishop made the strong declaration against the deadly virus via his social media page.

In his words, he said:

“There shall be an outbreak of revival across every church, every ministry, as an aftermath of this noisome pestilence.

“Coronavirus will become history. It will be cheaper than malaria fever. It will become extinct.

“Coronavirus is declared dead. Whatever wants to kill the church, God will kill it. So, the church comes against you Coronavirus and you are grinded (sic) to powder. This demon called coronavirus that has held the people captive across the nation over several weeks, the prison gate is open.” 

The clergyman also questioned the reason behind the bill to make COVID-19 vaccines compulsory in Nigeria. Speaking at the Church communion live broadcast, Oyedepo said gang-up agents of the devil were trying to bring a flood of evil upon humanity.

Bishop Oyedepo also believed that something evil was being schemed by some individuals and that people perpetrating it don’t know why.



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