Home News & Events Gospel Music Executive EeZee Tee Pays Don Jazzy A Visit At Mavin...

Gospel Music Executive EeZee Tee Pays Don Jazzy A Visit At Mavin Records Villa

eezee tee visits don Jazzy

EeZee Tee visits Don Jazzy at Mavin Records villa

EeZee Conceptz Global head honcho Mr. Ezekiel “EeZee Tee” ThankGod was at the Mavin Records villa today where he was received by Mavin Records boss Don Jazzy and Mavin Records Chief Operating Officer Tega Oghenejobo.

EeZee Tee described the visit as a time of fellowship at the Mavin Records villa in Lagos.

He posted pictures and video on his Instagram page. His well thought out caption preach on the being the salt of the earth, while also showing gratitude to Don Jazzy and Tega for the warm reception.

EeZee Tee visits Don Jazzy

“Thank you sirs, Don Jazzy [and] Tega Mavin for having me…” EeZee posted on Instagram. “Had such a time of fellowship with the don himself, Don Jazzy. This kingdom general here is God’s own and he wears such a heart of God.

‘In the last days, I shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh’ – Acts 2:17′

“Heaven will always rejoice over a soul. The kingdom we preach must be lived. You cannot practice kingdom genuinely without deliberate steps and actions. Our purpose on earth is to keep shinning our light through the gospel. It is in your shining and good works you influence life for God.

“God receives no glory through you when you don’t shine and have good works. You are to SALT the earth and not SALT the SALT. You’re to SALT the earth and not Insult.

“We are the end time soldiers for God’s Kingdom,” EeZee concluded.

EeZee Tee visits Don Jazzy at Mavin Records villa

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