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Video: How To Be A Star In Your Field | By Bishop David Oyedepo

Video: How To Be A Star In Your Field | By Bishop David Oyedepo

– Bishop David Oyedepo in this video talks about how to become a star in your field.

There is a level of excellence you must attain to be at the top. If you aim to fly high in life then you must position yourself to tap into greatness. Makers are world changers. To make anything happen you have to set your mind to reach the apex.

What have you put into achieving your goals and visions? You must pay the price to get the prize. It is no news that to get what others don’t have, you must be willing do go the extra mile and do what others fail to do.

It’s a sea of vast and endless opportunities. How deep can you dive, and how far can you swim? Think about it. Listen to a world changer as he shares his secret to a life of consistent difference.

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The highly educative but yet simple and direct terms used by the man of God will get you re-evaluating your plans and goals for life. Using scriptural and very relatable real life experience to drive home every point.

The message by Bishop David Oyedepo is a must watch for every single person who is serious about being a star in his or her chosen field.

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Chopped by Seun Richboss


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