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Apostle Joshua Talena Refutes Claim Viral Video Referenced Archbishop Benson Idahosa Raising Mother From Dead

church of god mission, archbishop benson idahosa

Following a vial video that where a clergy, Apostle Joshua Talena claimed Archbishop Benson Idahosa raised his mother from the dead, the leadership of the Church of God Mission has issued a disclaimer to the clergyman’s story.

Moreover, Apostle Joshua Talena has refuted the claim saying he was not referring to the Archbishop of blessed memory.

The disclaimer posited that the founder of Church of God Mission, Archbishop Benson Idahosa, did not re-laid such a story at any point in his ministry.

The viral video had depicted Apostle Joshua, while preaching in a church recently, saying:

”Archbishop Benson Idahosa, that man raises dead like drinking coke. He was in America when they sent a message that his mother is dead. He said my mother can’t die because God didn’t tell me. The last time I checked in the spirit, my mother is well. So if God must take her, he has to tell me.

So my mother is not dead. Put her on my bed, when I come back, I will wake her. So when are you coming back, he said in ten days time. They said she will smell, he said put her on the bed. If she smells, it is my room.

The first miracle, for ten days the body didn’t smell. The color of the mother changed from back to ash. Totally dead. Stone dead for 10 days. 

The man of God said he is not coming back until he finishes his crusade. When he finished his crusade, he landed Benin airport. He said take me home. They took him home. He just entered his bedroom. he said ”Mama I am back, stand up and give me water to drink”. Mama said my son welcome” he said as his congregation clapped and jumped in excitement

The Church of God Mission, in the disclaimer said no such thing happened with Archbishop Benson Idahosa. Read the disclaimer below

”The attention of our Mission, Church of God Mission International, has been drawn to a video circulating on social media of a message on the life of Archbishop Benson Idahosa, preached on Christian Inspiration Network purportedly by one Apostle Joshua Talena.

We would like to publicly declare that at no time in his life time did Archbishop Benson Idahosa relate such story, not to his close allies nor his family members, neither was such story recorded either in his books or any of his messages.

In as much as we appreciate and acknowledge the fact that Archbishop Benson Idahosa has many spiritual children around the globe, we would also not allow falsehood be spread about his person and ministry.

In this regard, we want to appeal to the general public to discountenance and disregard this video and such as are related with it.

The source of the video could neither be authenticated nor verified and as such cannot be vouched for by our Mission.

Thank you.

Remain Above Only.


Rev. Odemwingie Okundaye

Director of Administration

Church of God Mission Int’l.”

Following the disclaimer by the Church of God Mission, the man of God in question, who gave the testimony, Apostle Joshua Talena, has responded that he was not referring to Archbishop Benson Idohosa.

In his defense, he said the news media who put out the video edited the clip to make it sound like he was talking about the Archbishop. He posted the clip that started a little farther to the front of the statement and was able to show that he was referencing another clergy who lived in Benin at the time of Benson Idahosa.

“My attention has been drawn to a Facebook/Instagram publication alleging that the testimony I gave concerning a man of God in Benin that lived at the same time with Arch. Benson Idahosa of blessed memory was not exact,” Apostle Joshua Talena started.

“As you listen to the full testimony here, I DID NOT say it was Benson Idahosa. The video of it that was earlier publicised was edited to damage my integrity. You may listen to what I said fully so that you are not misled. I heard the testimony from a credible and trusted source, and I DID NOT say it was Arch. Bishop Benson Idahosa. Please disregard the said publication against my person.

“Apostle Joshua Talena.”

Watch the full video clip:

SEE ALSO: The Most Powerful Nigerian Pastors Of All Time – Benson Idahosa, David Oyedepo & More


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