Home News & Events Pastor Abel Damina Shares Contrary Opinion To Jerry Eze’s NSPPD Slogan “What...

Pastor Abel Damina Shares Contrary Opinion To Jerry Eze’s NSPPD Slogan “What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist”

What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist

Pastor Abel Damina has kicked against Pastor Jerry Eze‘s NSPPD slogan “What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist.”

In a recent interview, Pastor Damina stated that said he does not agree with his colleague, stating that the slogan is not the truth.

Speaking at the ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast co-hosted by actor Chinedu Ani Emmanuel aka Nedu, he said;

“‘What God Cannot Do Doesn’t Exist’ is not the truth… People think I am jealous of Jerry Eze. Jerry Eze is by far my junior in the ministry.”

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Pastor Damina also stated that many of his colleagues are staging miracles.

“I believe in miracles, I believe in healings, but not all these arranged miracles we are seeing today,” he said.

The co-host, Nedu asked, “Are you saying that the miracles are staged?”

Damina replied, “Can’t you see most of those crutches are all the same colours and all brand new? In what world will people come for a crusade and have the same brand of crutches and also the same colour?”

Watch video below:


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