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See Moments From Festizie & Chizie Sent Forth Celebration As They Part Ways With Moses Bliss & Spotlite Nation

Festizie & Chizie Sent Forth celebration

-Festizie & Chizie Sent Forth celebration From Spotlite Nation

Minister Festizie & Chizie, had his sent forth celebration after many years under the renowned Christian record label, Spotlite Nation.

The ceremony was one to remember as it marked minister Festizie & Chizie’s end to Spotlite Nation.

Moses Bliss, sharing the news via his Instagram page said;

“Yesterday was an emotional night as we had the SendForth Ceremony of my Co-labourers @festizie & @chizie_official for successful completion of their Record deal with @spotlitenation

“It’s great to start but nothing beats the joy of finishing and finishing well. THE BLESSING follows you in all you do.

SEE ALSO: Minister GUC Launches New Album, Celebrates Birthday & Sent Forth By EeZee Global

“These two brothers have held up my hand just like Aaron and Hur did Moses and we have prevailed against every battle and storms that came our way, they have served their time faithfully and are worthy of double honour.

“We have seen tremendous growth, the help of God and His faithfulness all these years and we are grateful to the Father of our Lord Jesus who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ. Eph 1:3

“We’re celebrating them because of their unwavering commitment to the vision, hard work, impact, dedication and loyalty against all odds.

“You both will always be family to me and @spotlitenation and we can’t wait to see all the The Lord is set to do in and through you. We will always have your back, support in every possible way and partner in some way.”

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