Home News & Events Vatican Approves Document Allowing Gay Men Become Priests In Italy

Vatican Approves Document Allowing Gay Men Become Priests In Italy

Vatican Approves Gay Priests

-Vatican Approves Gay Priests In Italy If They Remain Celibate

The Vatican has approved new guidelines for Italy which states that an applicant for the seminary cannot be rejected simply because he is gay, as long as he remains celibate.

The guidelines states that seminary directors should consider sexual orientation as only one aspect of a candidate’s personality.

The new directives advised that a candidate’s entire personality be considered, including homosexual inclinations.

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During clarifications on admission criteria, “The aim of priestly formation in the affective-sexual realm is the ability to welcome celibacy as a gift, to choose freely, and to live this responsibly,” said the Italian Bishops’ Conference.

The guidelines added that “the Church, while deeply respecting the people concerned, cannot accept into seminaries and holy orders those who lead a homosexual lifestyle, reveal rooted homosexual tendencies, or support what is called the gay culture.

“When referring to homosexual inclinations, it is appropriate not to reduce the ability to discern solely to this aspect during the formation process.”

The new guideline also stated that no candidate should ever be involved in abuse.

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This has however caused a stir on the internet, as the Vatican approves gay priests in Italy.



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