above all else, guard your heart , for everything you do flows from it.” – Proverbs 23:4 [NIV]
To see something good happen, one has to expect it. Life is fair and Jesus is all in all. If you are to receive the president of the United States of America in your house, I bet you will spend weeks upon weeks preparing for his arrival so that when he finally comes, he will feel welcomed.
People expect material things to be the catalyst that makes them happy but I tell you that the acquisition of those things has never and will never be the cure for depression. If you want to be happy, you have to start preparing for its arrival now!
Instead of thinking, “if only I have this or I have that, I will be happy” switch your mindset to “I will be happy about this or that because I expect it to happen for me.”
Get a picture of that thing you want, put it on your wall, sing about it, get a scripture that talk about it and confess it everywhere you go, practise how you will handle the thing or behave with it. People will probably say you are a fool and give you credences but you need to guard what you have possessed by the spirit jealously or the enemy will snatch it from you.
Life is spiritual and anything that will manifest in the physical would have manifested in the spiritual long before its appearance, therefore guard your heart till they call you crazy.
Don’t you think it was crazy for Abraham to leave his father’s house all based on a promise God gave him? Did God fulfil the promise or not? What about Moses, he ran away from the palace to go lead a people he barely knew, did they enter the promise land or not? What about Daniel, Hannah, Enoch, Noah and more? (Hebrews 11). You are the next one to make history like they did but start preparing now!
– By Alex Amos
For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos via Twitter to get additional contact details.
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Hmmmm..come to think of it..our thinking should always be like dis…our great example I think is Abraham..not seeing it yet,believed it would happen!