Home Bible News Bible News: Don't Surrender Your Victory

Bible News: Don't Surrender Your Victory


Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. – 1 Corinthians 9:26

dont surrenderSome weeks ago, I was in a prayer gathering and as the prayer points are being raised, my spirit checked me on about 2 of the prayer points which I had to change to another confession.

While doing this, a part of me was saying to me that it was pride that was making me do that while another was telling me not to surrender my victory.

I yielded to the latter.

There are some prayer points that are wrong for Christians to pray altogether, while there are others that haven prayed once, you need to exercise faith and believe that God has done it. There are also others that you need to hold on to the positive side of the confession till you see an everlasting sign that the prayer has been answered. Let me quickly talk about the first 2 points I mentioned.

In prayer of warfare, one has to make some confessions about the reality of the state you are. These confessions may recognise the fact that one is sick, broke,stagnant etc. I strongly believe that my first 2 points pop up in this kind of prayer most and Christians often go about this prayer wrongly

A Christian who is broke, sick, etc needs not to look up to heaven and cry out religiously that Jesus should come down and help him (Romans 10:6). This does not mean that you cannot ask God for help but is it in faith knowing fully well that if you call upon Him He will answer or are you just crying out because you are scared and do not know what else to do?

Therefore a Christian should not be in a situation and then run to God in prayer only to express fear and confess negativity upon himself. When situation determines that you make mention of what you are going through, Seek God face, stating the situation once, after then, turn your confessions to the positive side of the situation and hold on to that confession until there is an everlasting pop up.

That means a sick person can tell God, “Lord, this sickness that I find myself right now is not unto death but that your name may be glorified, therefore I ask that you heal me by the stripes of Jesus and make me whole again.” Haven prayed this in faith, the next time he will pray about the persistent sickness, he is not to surrender the victory he already has the first time he prayed by still confessing the sickness but he will hold on to that victory by confessing: “By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed.”


– By Alex Amos

For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos via Twitter to get additional contact details.


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