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Bible News: I Write This Greeting With My Hand, Remember My Chains


“ I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand. Remember my chains. May grace be with you.” – Colossians 4:18

We have been set at liberty by what Jesus did for us on the cross. There is freedom in Christ, freedom to live a life of hope and inheritance. Jesus paid it all with his blood that smeared the cross but do you know we are in chains?

Yes, it’s a different kind of chain. It’s a chain that liberates. A chain that helps us deny ourselves and carry our cross. Jesus never said we didn’t have a yoke but He sure told us it’s a light yoke.

Your liberty in Christ will make you deny your flesh momentary pleasure for the eternal price of obtaining the Kingdom of God. It will make you say you are sorry when it’s the other party that has offended you. It will make you share what you have even when what you have isn’t enough. The liberty pours love into your heart. The love of Christ that has been shed abroad in our heart. This love cannot be adequately described. It can only be detailed through experience.

This love makes you experience momentary sufferings, time when you abase and times when you abound. Times when you won’t understand it but you have to be patient and wait on God. Times when you cannot be strong for yourself or let pride take over your strength so much that you are ashamed to ask for help like Paul did. He said, “remember my chains,” in otherwords, what I’m going through is necessary but please pray for me.

Paul said all what happened to him is for the furtherance of the Gospel. Your victories, your challenges is what God use to shape you so that grace that spread through many will cause thanksgiving to abound unto God. This is our chains. We are in bounds made of love.
– By Alex Amos

For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos via Twitter to get additional contact details.

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