The social media has become a tool for evangelism amongst Christians these days and this is a good thing because no one has a reason not to evangelize anymore.
However it is appalling the level of conceit Christians display on the social media like it is by their power they earned their salvation. Some come online and insinuate criticism with their posts while the others boast about their achievements in the Christian race. They go further to point out what others are doing wrong like they are doing everything right and I’m standing and wondering, didn’t Jesus say “without me you can do nothing” [John 15:5].
2 Corinthians 10:12 says:
When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.”
Jesus gave us a commission that asks us to go into the world and preach the GOSPEL. The social media makes this easier these days and we thank God for such a viable tool but Christians on social media remind me of those “prophets of doom” outside of my window, in my neighbourhood, when I was younger, who in a bid to preach the gospel criticize everything yelling “You are going to hell!” Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fact, heaven is real and hell is real, an unrepentant sinner will not make heaven but are we concerned about that soul that is perishing or we are just conceited and trying to show off our salvation like something we paid for and earned? If there is the place of love in our message, I bet you will not wish that your brother end up in hell… Just like you will not wish any of your family that kind of misfortune.
When Jonah was angry at God for not destroying Nineveh, God gave him an illustration that showed him that though, the country was rebellious, He does not delight in destroying them because they are the work of His hands. I remember someone hurt me so much a while back and then I took it to God in prayer reporting the person. God asked me “Do you know I care about [this person] just like I care about you?” That stopped me in my track to start thinking, even for the person who had hurt me. If this is the attitude God requires from us, why will Christians come online to make those “who are on their way to God stumble?” – In the words of Casting Crown.
1 Corinthians 15:10, Paul said;
But by the grace (the unmerited favor and blessing) of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not [found to be] for nothing (fruitless and without effect). In fact, I worked harder than all of them [the apostles], though it was not really I, but the grace (the unmerited favor and blessing) of God which was with me.”
No matter what it is you have achieved with your Christian race, no matter how deeply rooted you think you are, no matter what amount of blessing you have accrued, it is not a reason to be conceited but a channel to bless others. Everything you are, everything you have and everything you can do is because Christ gives you the grace. Without Christ, you can do nothing. Therefore, when we Christians get on the social media, especially Christians with some form of influence, it’s not a time to condemn everyone or post status that makes us the alpha and omega of our salvation. It is a time to connect, try to reach somebody with the love of God that you have experienced. You will be surprise such post will touch more lives than that arrogant, self righteous post. Besides Jesus asked us to preach the GOOD NEWS (the Gospel) of the kingdom not preach messages that makes others sigh and resign to fate! Always think of the next person, it’s really not about you nor is it about the numbers of followers, likes, comments or retweets you can accrue.
Written by Alex Amos