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Tag: Pastor Ifeoma Eze

#SelahMusic: Pastor Ifeoma Eze | Never Lost A Battle

Nigeria based gospel artiste, Pastor Ifeoma Eze shares her powerful brand new Music Video titled ”Never Lost A Battle”.The song is an expression of...

#SelahMusic: Pastor Ifeoma Eze | Won’t Break Your Heart [@pastorifeomaeze]

Gospel artiste and songwriter, Pastor Ifeoma Eze releases another powerful single tagged "Won't Break Your Heart" to kick off the new year and she...

#SelahMusicVid: Pastor Ifeoma Eze | Favourite Secret Place [@pastorifeomaeze]

- New Music Video By Pastor Ifeoma Eze Tagged Favourite Secret PlacePastor Ifeoma Eze shares her brand new single titled ”Favourite Secret Place"The song...

#SelahMusicVid: Pastor Ifeoma Eze | Let Your Fire Burn [@pstifeomaeze]

Amazing pastor and Gospel music minister, Pastor Ifeoma Eze drops an intriguing and highly anointed worship prayer song titled "Let Your Fire Burn" along side a live recorded...

#SelahFreshVid: Pastor Ifeoma Eze | Shout Your Praise [@PastorIfeomaEze]

No matter the situation you find yourself in, never forget that the shouting side is the winning side. Pastor Ifeoma Eze strongly believe this new...