Home Interviews & Features Whale Fossils In Egypt Desert Prove Noah’s Flood?

Whale Fossils In Egypt Desert Prove Noah’s Flood?

Whale Fossils In Egypt Desert

screenshot-2015-08-14-2-470x297Ancient Whale Fossils In Egypt Desert 

The book of Genesis in the bible talked about a flood in the days of Noah that covered all the surface of the earth.swallowing up mountains.

Many other cultures have also made reference to this flood in their myths and legends so when archaeologists discovered remains of extinct whales in the Egyptian Sahara Desert, one of the driest regions of the world, it leaves the question, could the flood had carried and destroyed the creatures in the desert, as well as other fossils found in the desert.

Whale bones are probably not what one would first expect to see during a tour of the Egyptian Sahara Desert, but there they are.

About 93 miles southwest of Cairo, the bones are now available for viewing in an “open air museum.” Wadi El Hitan (Whale Valley) is a paleontological site in the Faiyum Governorate of Egypt, some 150 km southwest of Cairo. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its hundreds of fossils of some of the earliest forms of whale, the archaeoceti (a now extinct sub-order of whales)

whale bones

Nonetheless, science have found an explanation for the fossils found in the dry region with only a few drops of rain in a year.

While one of the theories say Egypt was once covered by a vast ancient ocean around 50 million years ago and the fossilised bones are of an ancestor of modern whales that once swam over the area, 93 miles (150 km) southwest of Cairo.

According to the theory, around 50 million years ago the area was at the bottom of an ocean called the Tethys Sea, which occupied the space in between Africa and Asia before India joined with the continent, pushing up the Himalayas.

Another theory says the whales are once land creatures which evolved.

The Archaeoceti – which means ‘ancient wales’ – evolved from a land-based creature with legs, which is why many species of whale and dolphin have a phantom hip bone where the legs once attached to the body.

This offers a glimpse into the evolutionary past of the whale to a time when it was still adapting to its ocean environment.

Of course science will always try to find a rationale, like the big bang theory but for a biblical inclined person, it’s very logical that the flood could have dispersed the creatures and left their fossils in the location after they were destroyed but that also, could be a theory.

whale bones




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