‘Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”‘
-Mark 10:48

“Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more”
There are potentials which God has embedded inside of you waiting to be unleashed. Things no one else can do but you but most times, we fail to realize who we are and live below our God ordained standard.
Blind Bartimaeus realized he could be better than a guy who stay by the road side and used as a road sign. He knew his true identity did not include “blind” as his first name. He got tired of where he was seated while others used the road. He wanted to “follow Jesus along the road” too like the rest of the crowd so he cried out for a change.
For a change to occur, you need to get tired of where you are and ignore what people are saying about you. The crowd told Bartimaeus to be quiet but he cried out the more. You need to make that beautiful picture of you which is in your mind become so real to you that you literally shout it out to manifestation… Just like Blind Bartimaeus
You too can receive a new identity… Shed off those negative tags which you’ve been labeled with an cry out your true identity to manifestation. The first step is – are you tired of the negative label?
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