” Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

– Mark 10:15 [New International Version (NIV)]

That’s my niece, Temmy playing with makeups 🙂

It’s children’s day today and I really want to write something about children but the problem is – I am not married or nursing a child. Therefore it will be difficult for me to do that, however, I do have nieces and they mean the whole world to me so I’m dedicating my post to them and to all the children around the world. Maybe… just maybe, you too can learn a thing or two from it.

Jesus did not forget that children can be sometimes troublesome when he said “except we become like the little children, we cannot enter into the kingdom of God,” but Jesus knew also that children are like arrows in the hands of a mighty man.

TemmyNotice, “In the hands of a mighty man,” that means if the arrow is in the wrong hands, it can breed disaster… how powerful children are! They are the very change happening in the world today because all presidents, governors, statesmen, congressmen, ministers and so on where once little babies. So also, all terrorist, serial killers and so on.

I watched a movie recently that explores the reason why a little boy keeps failing in class, at the end of the movie, it was discovered that he had problems reading letters, this was after his father angrily sent him out of the house  to a boarding school where there was no love… except for the new Fine-Art teacher who took a certain likeness towards the boy and made the discovery.

Isn’t she just cute… lol

So many people did not understand the boy and where fast to punish him for his deeds but only the fine-art teacher saw the good in the boy and worked on it while slowly addressing his reading issues. The boy later emerged the best Fine-Art student in the school because one teacher did not see a troublesome boy but saw a boy battling a problem he cannot explain.

You know, Jesus is the epitome of wisdom, this, I believe is part of what he meant when he said “except we become like little children.” That means except we become teachable, not that we will not make mistake but we must be humble, open to love and love genuinely, passionate, [inserts other qualities of children], in short, we must be childlike, not childish.

…Hey, make sure you show love to the children around you always but today, make sure they get more than 8 hugs!!!

Happy Children’s Day!!! 🙂



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