“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters”
– Psalm 23:2

I know I haven’t posted any devotional this week. Also, I haven’t posted any journal of my personal experiences in a while. You see, God is taking me through some changes in recent times, some good while some painful but in all He has taking all the glory… and I was being patient to fully let Him shine His light on my path so that when I finally see the way, I can come and give you a detailed report, that’s why I have been waiting.

But a prompting that has been in my heart for a little while now keeps telling me I have to take the step, (I am going to choose my words wisely here) because there is enough light for the moment because tuning in to the spirit means synching with the will of God. At the end God is glorified and the glory shines on us. It’s not about my story, it’s about His glory.

God always write the beginning from the end so I can say confidently that all things work together for good for those who love God… Even painful experiences.

When I started this blog, I had no plan, I had no vision for it… I just wanted to write! I am working as an editor but it doesn’t give me fulfillment because I wanted to write for God. When I explain this to people, they hardly understand my passion and they try to convince me with words like “yes, you have to serve God but you also have to be doing something to earn a living,” its not a bad advice, however the problem lies with who is receiving it. The minstrel in Psalm 23 said “He makes me to lie down in green pastures.” That means I can actually be in the place I like and also be earning a living.

He makes me lie down in green pastures

Let me explain. You see, the purpose of the shepherd is to lead, guide and protect the sheep so he can profit from it. The purpose of the sheep is to eat, get fat and serve as profit maker for his master – the shepherd. Therefore a sheep in a green pasture is in a place where he likes and he his serving his purpose in that place, he can rest and eat the good of the land, stroll if he wants… The point is, he is earning his meal while serving purpose.

The minstrel from the beginning of the chapter established the fact that like a sheep, God will lead him to the place where he will never lack and in verse 2, he made us understand why he will never lack, because he is in his green pasture! Whoa!!!

I just want to encourage someone, God has invest so much in you. Don’t settle for just what will get you by. It’s fun when you do what you love and you are earning a living for it. There is a satisfaction that goes beyond money in it! God said He is not unjust to forget our labour of love that we minister to the saint and continue to minister. I have not seen a man that serve God and remains the same! Little wonder the minstrel concluded “…and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever more.”

Like I said from the beginning, I didn’t really plan Selahonline but today, I’m earning from it and I am happy to do this… I will do this for free if that’s what it takes, (of course, I have been doing it for free for a while now…LoL) but I’m happy it is a fruitful venture that is blessing lives including mine because,I usually go back to the words on this blog to weather the storm. I’m really grateful to everyone that has opened this blog in the past, today and those who will open in the future. God bless you all… Always remember Selahonline in your prayers.

Remember, God has got beautiful stuff in stock for you!

Thank you for reading, have you been blessed? please share with us by liking and commenting. Follow @Selahonline_ 0n Twitter. Stay blessed!



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