“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

– Psalm 119:105

enough lightJust some few days ago, I was talking about how I was waiting for God to fully manifest a thing I have been waiting on Him for, before I talk about it but He told me to go ahead and move because there is enough light for the moment. I spoke about this under a topic I titled “Resting in Green Pastures.”

Well, like I always say, I may be the one writing these things but I am also learning from the things I write here. Yes! I was waiting on God to manifest some changes in my life that will affect Selahonline (Now SelahAfrik) positively and He has done it.

I decided not to wait anymore and just control the things I can while I leave God to control the things I can’t and He has done just that. There will be some changes and addition to the content and domain of this site in time to come because we are taking it to the next level, however, the “Bible News Segment and Selah’s Journal will remain the same because these are the core values on which the site was created.

My friends, you can decide to live or drift through the next 10 years of your life, it all depends on you, so I have heard Rick Warren say (I didn’t exactly hear him though, I read… LoL). You have to have a good understanding of the times like the children of  of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32). There is a difference in being complacent and waiting in faith, waiting in faith is progressive, like I mentioned earlier, I did what i could in faith while I left what I couldn’t to God.

In Genesis 24:1-4, God had promised Abraham children but he had become “old and well stricken in age,” but Isaac was yet to have a wife, therefore Abraham called Eliezer, his eldest servant to go look for a wife for his son. That right there is action! He could do that but God will bring Rebecca to the well and made her feed both Eliezer and the camels so that she can be eligible to marry Isaac, Abraham couldn’t do that!

In essence, there is enough light for your next step in that dark place where you are today, it’s just that you want to see the end before you move. this my friend is impossible. Only God knows the beginning and the end at the same time but He has promised you victory in all cases, so you just have to believe He will make a way and be ready to take the leap.

Thank you for reading, have you been blessed? please share with us by liking and commenting. Follow @Selahonline_ 0n Twitter. Remember it is http://www.selahafrik.wordpress.com Stay blessed!


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