Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were confined.

But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him” – Genesis 39:21-22

Are you strategically positioned for greatness?

Note, if you are strategically positioned for greatness, you are most likely in the place you do not like right now.

chess_blueJoseph just got into Potiphar’s house and God was making him prosperous there. He found favour in his sight and he was entrusted with so many things. In Joseph’s eyes, he must have thought this was the way God was going to reward him and compensate him for being sold into slavery.

You know what the bible say, eyes have not seen, neither has it entered into the thought of men, what the Lord has in stock for those who diligently seek Him. This saying is true. While Joseph was basking in the little prosperity God had brought him, God was strategically orchestrating his next level.

Now allow me to say here that most times, opportunity will come in disguise as an unfavourable circumstance, it shows pain but the end is delight and a bait will come disguised as the opposite, it will promise pleasure but the end is agonizing pain.

Joseph was able to escape the bait but got rewarded with a jail term. Instead of cowering and giving up, Joseph continued doing what he knows how to do best – interpreting dreams.

It is beyond human understanding how strategically positioned Joseph was, but that is God, He said His ways are different from ours and so also His thoughts. I want to sound a word of encouragement to someone out there nursing a dream or who has remained faithful to the Lord in his works, keep doing what you are doing for God, don’t give up on your goals, be the best at it as a matter of fact because you don’t even know how strategically positioned you are right now… and you will not know until God fully unveils His plans.

Who could ever thought a dream Joseph interpreted for 2 of the king’s workers some months back will be the same thing that will serve as his CV to becoming a governor in a strange land. If he had been out looking for people to interprete dreams for, I am quite certain, he would have made some few bucks but would have never become a governor.

Do not despise the days of your little beginnings. Do all that the Lord has placed into your hand with joy and don’t move before God… you don’t know how strategically positioned you are right now!


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