Then God commanded, “Let there be light”—and light appeared.” – Genesis 1:3
I was supposed to minister in a gathering yesterday about the power of thoughts but my Senior Pastor sent for me to be somewhere else, however I was able to make it back to be in the gathering and hear the minister that stood in for me speak about the same thing. The spirit of God is always in agreement no matter the number of individuals, I tell you.
Anyways, I’d prepare the message and I belief there is a need to talk about it here as well as someone out there will need and be blessed by these words.
Genesis Chapter one started with the description of earth before God started putting things in place. That period when God started putting things in place is what we call “the beginning” as the Bible rightly puts it.
But do you know that the earth must have been in God’s creation before He started putting things in place? What I mean is this, the bible said, “in the beginning God created the universe and the earth was without form. The earth was just another part of the whole universe which God created. He must have created the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets and more but when God wanted to demonstrate His creation power and also give that power to His creation, He decided to create a habitation where His creation can reign and rule just like He reigns.
Therefore, God decided to put His thoughts into manifestation again. The Bible said “the earth was in total darkness,” God being God did not waste time to magnify or give the darkness too much thought, He wanted to see something different, therefore He thought about something different and spoke out something different to the darkness He was seeing.
God said, “Let there be light.” God has given us the same power, it is the ignorance of our existence in God that does not make us exercise this power. You have the power to create, to transform your thoughts into tangible substances but we are too busy being blinded by the circumstances and thereby producing negative thoughts that manifest on the outward.
The Bible tells us to guide our heart with all diligence and that as you think in your heart is how you really are, therefore, consciously or unconsciously you are the product of what you thought about yesterday. A saying goes: “even the most proven truth is not true until it becomes your truth.”