When Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes. In fact, the LORD gave him twice as much as before!” – Job 42:10
Allow me to still talk about praying for others once more this week.
Job prayed for his friends and that was when he was delivered of his own affliction. Doesn’t that baffle you? Job could have prayed all kinds of prayers, praised God and also asked questions. He could have shown all forms of courage in the face of fierce opposition. All these were good but it wasn’t until he showed an act of kindness that his own prayers were answered.
How come God waited for Job to pray for his friends? Why did God instruct his friends to go to him for prayer? Why was it that it was after he prayed for his friends that he received deliverance?
It was Job’s final test! Satan had tested Job in every way but he stood on his faith in the face of strong opposition but God does not test one with evil. It was His turn to see what Job was really made of so he tested his depth of love.
Job’s friends have accused him, they have said harsh and unfair things to him instead of comforting him. Naturally, Job ought to be mad at them and this would have made it difficult for him to even remember them while praying, not to talk of praying for them but God sent them to Job and he prayed for them.
I Corinthians 13:2 says “…and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing.”
It is possible for you to be a “spirit filled”, fire branded tongue spitting Christian but reserve some hate, unforgiveness, etc in your heart. This is bad because, it may be God’s final test for your prayers as it was in Job’s case. He had passed every other test excellently but for that one thing… Thank God he didn’t fail, that’s why we have something to use as reference today.
Hey you, pray for that man/woman that has hurt you today, asked that God will bless them richly. If you can pray that prayer without your tongue curling, you have done yourself more good than the person you prayed for.
To pray for dos who hurt u…my view..we need d grace of God to do that..nt dt easy..
No it isn’t easy at all… There is always an heaviness before starting such prayers but it is lifted before the prayer ends… That’s grace… Thank you 🙂
To pray for dos who hurt u…my view..we need d grace of God to do that..nt dt easy..
No it isn’t easy at all… There is always an heaviness before starting such prayers but it is lifted before the prayer ends… That’s grace… Thank you 🙂