Home Bible News Bible News: Keys Of The Kingdom – Watch Your Association

Bible News: Keys Of The Kingdom – Watch Your Association


Be not deceived, evil discourse corrupts pleasant minds” – 1 Corinthians 15:33

There is a saying that your network determines your networth, the same is true for the kingdom principle. Your  association determines if the keys of the kingdom will open doors for you or not.


Isaiah 52:11:

“Depart, depart, go out from there! Touch no unclean thing! Come out from it and be pure, you who carry the articles of the LORD’s house.”

It does not matter the confessions you are putting to use, if your association, environment does not align with the kingdom, then the confessions are like pouring water into a basket. Someone may even feel the above  statement only speak to those that are committing sin but the bible says the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. This means that as you apply this principles, you have to live a holy life. You have to live peaceably with all men as much as possible and also settle peace in your mind as regards any situation. You have to also let that peace bring you joy because you have a hope – Christ the mystery that was kept for ages has been revealed to you and that revelation is the hope of glory.

Therefore a child of God engaging the keys of the  kingdom ought to know this and as he put this confessions to use, he his rest assured that he is engaging rightly. The children of Israel that left Egypt where engaging the keys but they had no peace and joy in their belief and the bible records that they did not enter God’s rest because of their unbelief.

Therefore, watch your association, that is, the people, the mood, the speech, the habits and character you surround yourself with as you engage the keys of the kingdom. (Read Psalm 1:1-3).

If you will like to rededicate your life to Jesus or make Him your Lord and savior. Please open to Romans 10:9 right now and make the confession of salvation as instructed in the verse. That’s all it takes!

– By Alex Amos

For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos via Twitter to get additional contact details.

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