Home Bible News Bible News: If We Took Jesus’ Place For A Day

Bible News: If We Took Jesus’ Place For A Day


Hello, I wrote this on Valentine’s day and decided to share with you. Since it’s a message of love, I banked on its timelessness.

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean” – Mathew 23: 25-26

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I really don’t get why Christian act like school prefect out with their note pad and pen and waiting for the next person who will cross the line so they can hand out punishment and book them… I cannot count how many messages from Christians I received on Valentine’s day talking about how unholy such a day is!

Catholics parade an ‘acting Jesus Christ’ on easter day… I once heard a director of a ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ movie call out “Does anyone have a bible?” on set because he forgot a response to one of the questions in a scene. But does these make easter and Christmas lose their meaning?

If there is anyone to show people how to love, if there is anyone to love on a day set apart to celebrate love as the VALENTINE’S DAY, it should be Christians! ‘For God is love and anyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God!’ – 1 John 4:7 …Forget the myths around the day!

I had ministry assignment all through the Val’s day and if I had a choice, I still wouldn’t be outside celebrating Val – not because I hate or condemn the day but because I have a different idea of fun – its time Christians learn the difference between religion and a relationship with God.  (Mathew 23:1-28)

Also, it’s time we realize that God deals with us individually and just because something is not right for you does not mean it is wrong for all Christians around the world. Besides, who made us judges?

Yes all things are lawful for me but not all things are needful. So if I decide Valentine is not my thing and the other brother decides to show more than necessary affection to his fiancee/spouse on that day, I don’t think it will erase his name from the Lamb’s Book of Life!

Jesus sat with corrupt tax collectors, ate with sinners, forgave murderers and harlots… I wonder what we will do to sinners if we were to take the place of Jesus for one day!

The world is on their way to God… Even as bad as it seems… But they are tripping and falling over Christians’ pointing fingers, mean mugs and spiteful words. It’s time we wake up & work out our own salvation because we think we’re standing till our works are tested in fire. God forbid we discover we are not really different from the world we condemn.

– By Alex Amos

For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos via clairacuzzi@yahoo.com


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