Home Short stories Selah Story: The Resting Angel

Selah Story: The Resting Angel


heaven2-e1379729464516The story is told of two angels in heaven going about their business diligently.

Although they went about their business diligently, one of the angels was resting all the time while the other never seem to have time to rest no matter how hard he tried.

He tried all the tricks in the book to create time for rest but there just seem to be more work to do all the time and since he was diligent in his service to God, he kept at his business.

One day he sought the knowledge of the other angel to know how he has been able to create time for rest although he has been recommended as diligent as well.

“No matter how hard I try, I never seem to have any free time”, he said. “I have to carry messages to God and they just keep coming by the thousand.”

“What sort of messages do you carry to God?” The other angel asked.

“I always have to carry messages that starts with ‘Lord I need your help’, ‘Lord provide’ and so on,” he replied,

“You see that is the problem,” the other angel  replied. “I am always resting all the time because I am supposed to carry messages to God that starts with ‘God I thank you’ but they come in rarely!”



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