Home Selah's Journal Selah’s Journal: I Was Born Again | By @InnocentJoshNG

Selah’s Journal: I Was Born Again | By @InnocentJoshNG


2_NT_BornAgain_JensenOh how dreadful to be! What gain in the fact of this race? How hunted should the flow be held? Who made the statement that he wouldn’t stand tall till the end? Who predicted his fall at the end of his glorious starting?  How mused is it to be forsaken? He gave his life to Him but he collected it back.

Dear Friend I have a story to tell, I have a huge burden to flush away if possible, I have a long-broken testimony I long to unveil. Who can hear me? Who will give me a listening ear? I have a running urge about
my Friend, no my intimate brother.

“My brother was a Christian, my Friend was the children’s flag bearer of holiness, my brother taught us children evangelical songs to win souls, my brother never stole a pencil in school nor a cent at home. He never knew what was called “runs”. He never cheated. My brother wore only the things that covered his whole body, he chose his speech, my brother explained to us the full meaning of the word “holiness”. Now I understand what he meant. He preserved his tools till his adolescent stage ( but then he lost the mark). We went for Morning cry, he taught us how to share handbills, he wrote tracks and we did the sharing, he once told us he’s off to a
village unknown to preach the word.

My brother will say:

“Oh I preached and many were saved, through the power of the word of God, I challenged demons. I spoke and many got liberated. I even extended my grace and fire of calling to many. Go, ask my spiritual children, ask Rev. Gideon on how he listened to my preaching. What about Evang. Emmanuel how the Holy Spirit
drew him from the power of fornication?  Oh what about Past. Olayinka, how the Holy Spirit took him from the addiction of drugs to that of the Spirit. I think I can’t talk of Brother Paul who I introduced to the true world of life… This achievements are too many to remember all”.

My ultimate hero prayed until a dead child took in a breathe to exhale again. He fasted till he was enlisted
among ulcer patients without test nor screening.

My friend was a prayer warrior; he was the key leader for many arms in the ministry. Is this not a great achievement? But I have a dismayed end to portray. Should I tell you where I last saw my brother? I was
walking down the road to demonstrate what this my brother taught me and to my utmost surprise,  I saw my hero drunk! My brother staggered as one without bones. I thought I was experiencing my darkest nightmare but I got the reality when I pinched. I Stood there in awe. When I thought I Had seen it all,  I saw brother with
something like a white stick in between his fingers with a brown colour at the edge, sparking out smoke as he inhale it.

Thinking about it, my hero didn’t remember the tragedy of Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26, nor the predicament and dark epilogue of Josiah when they misunderstood  the way. When I thought about it, he
never remembered Asa who led the righteos way but later perverted the way and what became his fate.

Who can help my brother with advice? Who can tell this Gospel general who he used to be? Who can tell my brother that he’s missing the crown he has been amassing ? My brother now swims in that angle he once
preached against. He doesn’t remember any singular verse of the scriptures any longer. He now builds up the stones he scattered earlier. My intimate friend now focuses on this statement anytime confronted with the message: “You and I, who started the ministry first? Who taught you about the principle of a holy life?  Why do
You want to preach to me who preached to you earlier? Why are you claiming over-righteos?” Oh who can tell him that he’s heading to destruction? Who can tell him about the calamity of looking back as did Lot’s wife
and the fate that followed? Who will give him a hint to return?

I am calling on him but he doesn’t listen to my screaming. Am waving at him but keep seeing this statement saying “I was born again!”

Then I asked my mind, what about now? Why the past tense? Has Christ change?  Has the race become  unbearable? Has he forgotten that heaven is his target? This questions keep ringing in my head as I look to see those words again –  “I was born again!”.



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