I’ve heard it in mind to write a book for some while now and as I move into another year, it has been bugging my mind that I have left it hanging again this year so before this year is over, I want to make sure I write at least the prelude.
The book will center on what true riches is all about because I discovered that I have always been rich even when I wallowed in lack ignorantly. I want to share this secret with as many people as possible and hopefully be able to liberate so many rich people who do not even know how rich they are.
Now let me say here that people have limited the word ‘riches’ to mean money but we have found out that some people have money but are still poor and you can tell by how miserable they live their lives or their relationship with others.
I will like to raise one of the issues that will be discussed, which is this; don’t be sorry that you are blessed.
There is a saying that success needs no excuse and failure has no alibi. This is so true because in life, poor people (People with a poor mindset) will feel comfortable around you until you break the circle and begin to succeed. Either your success spur them to action or green with envy. This is where the problem starts because in effort not to be tagged proud, arrogant or detested, the one who just broke the circle of the poor mindset may want to play low key and begin to hide or play down some of the gifts of God that has been bestowed upon him.
This may cause him to be less effective or productive because he is trying to be conservative so as to escape what people will think or say. Yes, I believe that one should play things down and walk in sobriety, especially if your gifts causes you to be arrogant or make you cause someone undue pain but if you cannot attain your full potential because you are scared of what people think or say, I guess there is one more mindset that has to be broken.
This thing is always salient and most times unrecognizable. But search yourself and ask what gift of mine have I been under utilizing because of fear of what people will say or think? Start working on that gift because either you utilize it or not, critics will still do what they do best!
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” – 1Peter 3:15
Written by Alex Amos